The Murder of Mrs. Soraya

Yasar Abdulrahman

Total Pages: 526
SKU: N/A Category:


I don’t want to frighten you, I want to break your illusions, I want you to jump to the other side successfully.

I want you to survive and also to live. Our fears diminish if we empty them of our hearts. Man is nothing but an interaction of two opposites. The first gives him hope and the other tries to break that hope. Man is nothing but a clear picture of this universe, as the night is followed by the day, and as the summer is obliterated by the winter, and as the white meets the black. Just as the beginning is followed by the end, so does man realize his existence after his birth, and realize the mysterious end after his death, but he cannot tell the living who buried him about the world he moved to, so do not be afraid of what is destined.

Jamal, Salma, Soraya
Man, Woman, Lady

Three characters live the struggle of the past, present and future. They meet, they love, they hate, they conspire, they sacrifice.
Did everyone achieve their goal? Can love triumph over hate?!

Exciting story
Mixed feelings
Great ending!

Yasar Abdulrahman; A Jordanian writer and author, he acquired the skill of writing through long years of reading that extended for nearly twenty-five years in various fields: Literary, Sociology, Philosophy, History, etc.

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