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بقلم: عبد المعطي سويد

Homo Oppositus

الإنجليزية 196 الصفحات التقييمات:
شكل الكتاب: اختر

*متوفر مباشرةً من موزعينا، انقر على علامة التبويب "متوفر على" أدناه

The core concept of this book is one that resonates with everyone, yet it is explored and presented in a fresh and unique perspective as envisioned by the author.

After delving into and discussing this familiar idea, the author arrives at a profound conclusion: that humans embody contradictions within themselves. This introspection leads back to the timeless question: what truly defines a human? In this insightful exploration, the author proposes that humanity is inherently chaotic and self-contradictory.

This raises a compelling question in our current era of digital advancement and artificial intelligence: Are we, as a species, still influenced by an ‘archaic mindset’ in this modern age? This book challenges readers to reconsider their understanding of human nature in the context of rapidly evolving technology.

Abdulmouti Souwed graduated with a a doctorate from Sorbonne University in 1979. He is a former university professor, and a resident of the UAE.

He has a set of books published in his language, and with this book he begins a new project, adventure, and a different way of thinking – writing.

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