Best Book Publishers UK | Austin Macauley Publishers


Editorial Services

Your book is checked for typos and formatting inconsistecies as well as mistakens in spelling, grammer and punctuation.

Page Design and Typesetting

Based on content and book size, your book will be designed for an optimal reading experience.

Cover Designs
and illustrations

Our team of graphics designers will create a personalized cover that matches the genre of your book, while keeping your vision in mind.

eBooks and

We will also create a generic eBook for platforms and a Kindle eBook exclusive for Amazon

and Events

Working with you is essential when promoting your brand and book. Utilizing tool to a wider audience.

Author Branding

We will also create a generic eBook for platforms and a Kindle eBook exclusive for Amazon

Warehousing and

Is regularly fed to local and global distributors which help people across the global to find your book.


Your book has the opportunity to participate in numerous international book fairs,
Some of the prominent book fairs that we participate in include:

  • Sharjah Book Fair
  • Sharjah Children's Reading Festival
  • Abu Dhabi Book Fair
  • Riyadh Book Fair
  • Muscat
  • Kuwait
  • Guadalajara Book Fair
  • Jeddah Book Fair
  • Doha Book Fair
  • Amman Book Fair
  • Al Ain Book Fair
  • London Book Fair
  • Frankfurt Book Fair
  • Brooklyn Book Fair

Participating in these fairs can significantly enhance the visibility and reach of your book, opening up new opportunities for recognition and success.


When you publish with us, you will also benefit from our marketing services. They will help you organize events like book signings, radio interviews, school events, and more. Book signings allow you to interact directly with readers, signing copies of your book and engaging in meaningful conversations. Radio interviews give you a platform to discuss your work, share your insights, and reach a wider audience. School events, such as author visits and book readings, can introduce your work to a young audience, inspiring a love of reading and creating lifelong fans.

Our marketing team will work closely with you to plan and execute these events, ensuring that they are successful in promoting your book and enhancing your visibility as an author. With their support, you'll be able to make the most of these opportunities and take your book to new heights of success.

Books Available

With AMP's global distribution partnership, your book becomes available worldwide, reaching readers in countries such as the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Asia, and the Middle East. AMP also collaborates with distributors and reputable print partners, ensuring that your book is quickly available to all audiences with low postage costs. You can be confident that the print quality and distribution will always meet international standards.

Rights &

We specialize in selling book rights, expanding your audience to international markets. Your book could soon be translated and embraced by readers worldwide. With our proven track record, we've successfully sold rights to numerous titles and are eager to add yours to the list.

Our dedicated team can also translate your book into different languages, helping to publish your work and open up new horizons.

Made Easy

We have developed a streamlined and efficient method for publishing your book to meet international standards. Our team is committed to assisting you at every stage of the publishing process, from submitting your manuscript to distributing your book. We offer a straightforward submission process, allowing you to easily upload your manuscript and track its progress. Each submitted book undergoes editorial review, with feedback provided to the author within an agreed-upon timeframe. Our easy production process ensures that your book is formatted professionally, and printed to the highest quality standards.

نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط على هذا الموقع لتحسين تجربة المستخدم الخاصة بك ولأغراض تسويقية.
بالنقر على أي رابط في هذه الصفحة، فإنك تمنحنا موافقتك على تعيين ملفات تعريف الارتباط