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بقلم: Ebru Alpsan

Sheikha's Diary

الإنجليزية 44 الصفحات التقييمات:
شكل الكتاب: اختر

*متوفر مباشرةً من موزعينا، انقر على علامة التبويب "متوفر على" أدناه

Sheikha and Latifa have been inseparable best friends since their kindergarten days. Despite their differences, such as Latifa’s preference for playing with dolls and Sheikha’s love for swinging on the monkey bars, their bond remains unbreakable. Through their unwavering support and willingness to share everything, Sheikha embarks on a journey of self-discovery, unearthing her true identity.

Sheikha’s Diary is a delightfully touching and entertaining read. In this captivating book, the author skillfully demonstrates the fundamental principles and behaviors essential for becoming an effective leader, thinker, and writer. The story’s endearing characters and relatable experiences make Sheikha’s Diary the perfect choice for young readers, offering valuable life lessons while keeping them engaged and inspired.

Sheikha’s Diary was authored by a Turkish novelist, educator, and mother. English storyteller, Ebru Alpsan writes for young readers. In her early years, Alpsan began to write short stories and poetry. Her tales make excellent metaphors for friendship, family, and self-awareness.

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