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بقلم: Rio Hershey

 The Story Of Nothing

الإنجليزية 64 الصفحات التقييمات:
شكل الكتاب: اختر

*متوفر مباشرةً من موزعينا، انقر على علامة التبويب "متوفر على" أدناه

The Story of Nothing is a collection of musings, epiphanies, and psychological breakthroughs gathered and compiled on a three-year journey.

Across the cliffs of Ireland, along the coasts of France, amongst the fields of the American Midwest, and through the vast and awe-inspiring deserts of Saudi Arabia, these beautiful and varied landscapes were the very muses that inspired this author to take the journey inward into the complex and often shadowed depths of her own psyche.

The Story of Nothing is the story of a girl who truly believed she was nothing on her way to becoming the woman she was meant to be.

Rio Hershey, born in Ohio on a Wednesday in June, has spent most of her life traveling and collecting the tales of others, only to find herself back where she began. After graduating from high school and going on to finish a bachelor’s degree from Northern Illinois University, she went on to teach English in any format imaginable to all ages conceivable. From Ohio, to Illinois, to France, Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Saudi Arabia, she is living proof that only the still waters stagnate. “All I know is that I am here until the day I’m not.”

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